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2023-05-26 14:14   审核人:


The training workshop is an important part of practical training base in the college, covers building area of6,000 square meters. It includes training rooms for automated engine room, main engine assembling, auxiliary engine assembling, the machining, welding, fitter, gas welding, multi-media training room in the Training Center of Marine Engineering Department, as well as logistics training room of Navigational Economics Department. Nearly 20 million yuan has been invested on equipment and facilities. The metalworking processes (turner, fitter, welding, gas welding), operation of power equipment, marine power plant, power equipment assembling (main engine, auxiliary engine), forklift driver training, and port machinery driver training and the training courses for second engineer, chief engineer’s examination as well as the technical skills upgrading training for the shipping enterprises can be conducted by more than 14 classes of nearly 700 people at the same time. It played a huge role for practical skills training as the training platform invested largely by the college, also it enjoyed high visibility and good influence in the community as the external training base and contest site designated by

Tianjin Maritime Administration.



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