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2023-05-26 14:25   审核人:

机加工实训室为轮机实训中心核心实训室之一,建筑面积683平方米,装备有普通车床:CD6132型8台, CA6140A型25台,CA6140A /B型5台,BVB25型普通车床2台,数控车床CAK3665i型2台和附属设备MQ250砂轮机2台,以及规划中的铣床、刨床、磨床等设备。可同时满足40人单人单机进行车工工艺的操作技能训练,以及作为海事局评估考核场地或技能比武场地。


轮机工程系 实训中心

The machining training room is one of the core training rooms for engineering training with the building area of 683 square meters and equipped with common lathes like eight of CD6132 type, twenty-five of CA6140A type, five of CA6140A /B type, two of BVB25 type, two of numerically controlled CAK3665i type and their associated devices, two rotary sanders of MQ250 type as well as the planned milling machines, planers, grinders and so forth. It allows forty people to do operation training of lathing techniques simultaneously under one person one machine mode, and plus is the place used for MSA evaluation and examination and students’technical competition.

The practical training in lathes can familiarize the students with the basic operation points for lathes, the processing technique design of accessories, the rules for lathemen and the kinds, selection methods and sharpening ways for lathe tools, finally able to meet the evaluation requirement for seafarers’practical operation skills in accordance with the PRC’s competency examination and evaluation syllabus for seafarers and the conditions for issuing seafarers’competency certificates by national MSA.

Training center of Marine engineering department



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